I'm Bill. Welcome to my website.
I was born and raised in New England and I really doubt that I'll ever leave. Oldest of five children I am now uncle to 15+ nieces and nephews. In fact I now have multiple great nieces and nephews. I'd give you exact numbers, but by the time I publish this page there will be more.
I’m a tech hound. My home is smart house. The goal is to never touch a light switch again. I have to have the top of the line when it comes to laptops, tablets, Smartphone’s and printers. I even have my mother hooked. She always wants the best phone, and knows how to use it.
I love animals both large and small. Growing up we most always had a dog. They ranged from St. Bernard to little terriers. My home has seen, dogs, rabbits, mice, hamsters and guinea pigs, various lizards including an alligator named Fife (glad she’s gone).
I've had a lot of careers ranging from donut baker, store detective, security officer, IT systems administrator, and data base programmer. Currently I am an insurance agent. I've worked with some wonderful organizations such as Boston Medical Center, Boston University, Ferris Communications (Ferriscom), and AAA.